Thursday, July 12, 2018

Malkhar on Hiatus

Malkhar isn't actually on hiatus, I can never get that project off my mind, but for now I've deleted the Github repository where I was keeping the work-in-progress engine.  Malkhar's engine was a mess for many reasons, and I've decided to take some time to rethink the game before I bring its code back into the public view.

That being said, I have started work on a new engine for the game and possibly other, future projects.  The working name is Quadra.  It's going to be a tile-based engine inspired by the Doom engine and other old FPS engines.  Beyond that, I can't say much, other than the initial version will be coded in C++ and SFML, and as such is a huge learning experience for me.

If you really want to see the old, atrocious Malkhar source, leave a comment below.  In the meantime, I'll (hopefully) continue posting art and story updates for Malkhar here.
