Thursday, March 29, 2018

An Introduction to Malkhar

     Malkhar is one giant ring of an island - it’s frequently called just that, the Ring, by the inhabitants.  The more grandiose refer to it as the Ring of God, as if He would stretch out His hand and slip the world around his finger, glittering like a jewel.  It’s the only major landmass known to the inhabitants, for all their exploring.  The people call themselves the Malkharines and refer to both their island and planet as Malkhar.

     The island is divided into seven provinces - Aquia, Izalgia, Isiandarth, Dragonia, the Moreland, Indivein, and Kentaria.  Kings of Malkhar used to take the throne and rule from Palace Island, in the center of the ring.

     Each province is the patron of one of the seven known elements of magic.  Each element corresponds with a gem.

     Aquia is the patron of Water, Sapphire magic.

     Izalgia is the patron of Ice, Diamond magic.

     Isiandarth is the patron of Lightning, Aquamarine magic.

     Dragonia is the patron of Fire, Ruby magic.

     The Moreland is the patron of Earth, Amber magic.

     Indivein is the patron of Nature, Amethyst magic.

     Kentaria is the patron of Air, Emerald magic.

     Finally, the Palace could be considered the patron of Opal magic.  The multicolored Opal is, in Malkharine arcane theory, a fusion of all other gemstones, and thus Opal magic contains all possible elements.

     Palace Island is also home to the two most powerful gemstones on Malkhar - the two Crystals of Time and Space.  These gems are sometimes referred to as the Roots of All Power, and rightly so.  Without the Crystals, magic on Malkhar would cease to exist.  The two guardians of these Crystals are the most skilled wizards on Malkhar - currently, the daughters of the late King.

     There is no king in the Palace of Malkhar.  The current king rules from Kentar, capitol of Kentaria.  A necromancer, Mendumen, stormed the palace with an army of ghosts at his side.  He slew the former king and his royal guard himself before going for the space-time gems.  He would have succeeded, had their guardians not cast a spell to freeze themselves in space-time, sealing themselves and the gems away.

     The spell had enough power to last ten years.  It’s been nine, and Mendumen still waits in the abandoned Palace for the spell to falter and to claim the gems.

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